The impacts of the war in the Ukraine on hunger and agricultural transformations

(Englischer Artikel) Der Angriff auf die Ukraine hat große Verwerfungen auf den Agrarmärkten und in der Agrarpolitik ausgelöst. Viele Menschen sind zurück in Armut und Hunger verfallen. Wir haben diskutiert, um unsere Positionen zu dem Thema als Organisation zu finden.

The war in Ukraine is already having dramatic impacts on the food system and the provision of sufficient food to millions of people. Because of disruptions in the production and export, many are cut off from their most important food suppliers. Meanwhile, the public debate on agriculture in Europe is falling back to patterns we thought we had overcome. Pretending to wanting to ensure food security in Europe and globally, Industry associations advocate for a rollback of the most crucial environmental improvements: fallows are brought into production, bans on pesticides are put on hold, EU policies are attacked.

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